What is overtraining?

In order not to walk around yes for a long time, we immediately designate the criteria by which you can identify overtraining:

  • insomnia;
  • sudden increase in pressure and increase in weight for no reason;
  • eating disorder;
  • apathy, low energy;
  • decreased physical performance;
  • loss of motivation, low self-esteem.

These same symptoms can talk about a difficult life: a heavy load at work, problems in the family, and the same depression. But if there are no such reasons and, at the same time, you stopped increasing the indicators in the room, and there is no special motivation — maybe you «caught the peretren».
Who is at risk of overtraining?

It seems that such a disease can be encountered only in the environment of professional sports, but no. Often, overtraining occurs in beginners with excessive enthusiasm. But professionals, on the contrary, avoid it, because their programs are accurate and verified, they carefully observe the diet and, which is very important, give the body a full rest. So, let’s distinguish the main risk groups:

those who work too hard, while not knowing how to comprehensively evaluate their physical data;
those who are in a hurry to improve their performance (often they pursue someone’s Records or are engaged in the program of professionals without the necessary training and observation);
those who do each exercise and approach with maximum effort;
those who do not pay attention to Nutrition, diet and rest;
people who are constantly stressed.

How dangerous is it?

In especially severe cases, overtraining affects the immune system, the defenses seriously decrease, you often start to suffer from viral diseases, and it’s easier to catch a cold. Against the background of a state of fatigue and apathy, the body is sometimes more difficult to recover, so even banal bruises last much longer.
How to get out of this state?

The main thing in any business — do not die of enthusiasm. It’s commendable that you decided to pump quickly, you just had to listen to your body more closely. And now you need to take a break and do everything on this list:

  1. Reduce or completely stop your workouts. If you are afraid to «swim with fat», look like light group classes in a fitness Club for beginners, dance, go shopping. In general, let your body calmly get out of stress.
  2. Establish a normal diet. During this break, count the correct nutritional ratio, adjust the menu, clarify portions, take tests, you do not need vitamins. During any stress (physical or psychological), doctors recommend eating simple foods. When you return to training, follow this same diet. Often overwork is associated with malnutrition and a constant sense of hunger.
  3. Adjust the regime of the day, sleep time, complete rest — physical and mental. Remember the phrase «the amount is the best remedy»? I do not know how in other cases, but from overtraining it is really able to heal. Live to go to bed and wake up at the same time, sleep at least 7-8 hours, equip the bed according to all the rules.
  4. Adjust your training program. Return to them should be no more than in 2-3 weeks. This time, approach things wisely.
    How to avoid overtraining?

In general, here everything is extremely simple: adequately assess their abilities, do not subconsciously copy other people’s programs from the Internet, lead a healthy lifestyle. It sounds very popsovo, but hozh has established itself well for many centuries, maybe we do not reinvent the bike?

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