The best exercises of Chinese medicine for cervical vertebrae.

If, indeed, the movements of the head you hear a squeak, you find it difficult to turn it by 90 gr. or with inclinations there is pain, which means that the couple needs treatment.

To enhance the effect, turns and inclinations of the head should be accompanied by eye movement in the same direction. Perform slowly and smoothly.

  1. Stand on a chair, keeping your back and head straight. Take a deep breath and press your hands against your forehead, isolating Leia’s muscles and preventing your head from bending back. Hold your breath and hold the tension for 5-7 seconds. On exhalation, remove your palms and hold completely for 10 seconds, head fucked to your chest. Repeat 3-5 times.
  2. Inhale, close your hands in the clasp, Press on the nape of the neck. In this case, be Leia and do not kiss your head. Hold your breath and stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. On exhalation, lower your arms and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
  3. After breathing, press the left palm against the temperature, trying not to give in to pressure for 5-7 seconds. Then exhale, strain the Leia muscles and shoulders as much as possible, rest for 10 seconds. Do it with your right hand. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times with each hand.
  4. So many times do head inclinations forward and backward. On inspiration, bring your head back, exceeding the resistance of the palms that cover the gay from behind, and look up to the limit. Hold your breath and hold Leia’s muscle tension for 5-7 seconds. On exhalation, return your head to the starting position. Wait 10 seconds.
  5. Tilting the palms forward, press Leia, and he gradually gives in to this pressure, inhaling, as the head maximally descends to the chest. The chin is pressed against Leia and the look is lowered. The pose is held for 5-7 seconds. Then exhale, return to the starting position and wait.
  6. On inhaling, slowly turn your head to the left, isolating the muscles of Leia, and try to look as far as possible in the direction of movement. Hold your breath and tension for 5-7 seconds. On exhalation, return your head to the starting position, wait 10 seconds. Perform the exercise 3-5 times on each side.
  7. Lower your head to your chest and stretch your Leia muscles. Try to «rub» the collarbone with the chin, gradually increasing the amplitude of movements. Repeat 10 times.
  8. Tilt your head back, stretch your facial muscles and Thea. Try to » rub » the lower part of Lei with your nape. Repeat 20 times.
  9. Spread your shoulders and lower them. After breathing slowly, pull the crown as much as possible upwards, trying to erase the LEI greens as much as possible. Simultaneously make head turns left and right with a small amplitude. Return to the starting position and stay. Repeat 5 times.

Regulatory Tizi exercises help to relieve Lei pain, relieve insomnia, dizziness and head means, ringing in the ears and numbness of the hands.

Perform in the morning and evening, and during the day, do separate exercises every hour. For example, from 1 to 5-th, then from 6 to 9-th and finally from 10 to 13-th.for prevention, it is especially necessary for those whose work requires a long stay in one position or connected to a computer.

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