How to resume training after the holidays?

Keeping your Sports regime during the holidays is not always possible, it is no less difficult to return to the usual training when rest is already behind.

Gray weekdays stretch one after another, each of them is similar to the previous one, but this has its advantages-the presence of a mode. You go into sports training in your busy schedule, you set yourself goals and go there regularly, sport helps to bring variety to the monotony of everyday life. But then comes the leave, maybe it will last only a week, but it will be the seven days you were waiting for. Perhaps even your workouts were used to prepare for the holiday, many would like to be on the beach and show others their perfect body.

Even the shortest holidays eliminate the usual rhythm, rest days pass without a schedule and schedule, most likely they did not find a place for sports. Upon returning from vacation you will expect the old life and the routine of weekdays, such a brutal return can not be perceived positively. People do not want to go back to their usual schedule, including sports training. In my head Live thoughts that during the holidays all the results obtained were reset, and starting from the beginning will be very difficult. For this reason, the date of the first workout after rest is constantly postponed. Returning to sports is not easy.

The decline of strength and reluctance to do anything-this is a common condition after the holidays, the return to training will be the best opposition for him.

It is not necessary to look for a reason to postpone the hike in the hall for later, the sooner you normalize your life schedule, the sooner you will return to the usual rhythm. Take time to practice immediately, rather than in 2-3 weeks, in conjunction with the holiday, such a break can cost you several accumulated kilograms. Normalize your diet, during the holidays people always withdraw from proper Nutrition, which is another reason for the appearance of excess weight. Even if a lot of work has accumulated after the holidays, do not skip lunch, the lack of lunch threatens to overeat in the evening. The following tips will help you quickly catch up with your lost shape and get into sports mode.
Train with your friends

At least one person from your environment will necessarily support your passion for sports, the presence of a like-minded person disciplines and makes the courses better quality. If such a person was not found, then make an appointment with a professional coach, he knows exactly what program you need after the holidays, will provide gentle adaptation without the risk of overload and injury. When negotiating with a friend or coach, the chance of missing a workout becomes much lower, you will not want to drop people to spend time on the couch in front of the TV. If we are talking about a friend, then training will be not only a way to put yourself in order, but also an additional opportunity to communicate pleasantly, which is an additional motivation.
Surprise yourself with something new

In order to get rid of bad habits, you need to develop new ones as soon as possible. If you do not feel the desire to return to the previous training, diversify your Sports life with something new. No matter how you return to sports – through the gym or skating, the main thing is to develop a habit. Bet on the types of physical activity that have always attracted you – ride a bike or Roller, remember what sports you always wanted to try. This may be the best time to finally go to yoga or sign up for dance. Man is attracted to everything new and unexplored, interest in a new cause will ensure an unobtrusive return to the sports regime.
Focus on the little things

Great achievements consist of small things. For example, a highlighted sports bag will remind you that you are going to the Hall tomorrow. Prepare to train in advance, because in the absence of motivation, any little thing is ready to serve as an excuse to stay at home. Training begins from the moment you put on sportswear, from this moment there should not be other things for you – only a targeted movement to the gym in order to conduct productive activity.
Challenge yourself

A person who knows exactly what he wants is the most determined person, he can not afford to miss the lesson because of banal laziness. Think about what you always wanted to accomplish. Run a marathon or learn to dance, shoot a hundred times or master a new swimming technique. Challenge yourself and keep your goal in sight all the time, do not think how difficult you will be, just go to the realization of the dream.
Find inspiration

It surrounds us everywhere, the main thing is to correctly recognize it. If you plan to go jogging, then choose the ideal music for jogging, with it the training will take place unobtrusively. If you are attracted to street workouts, watch training videos of experienced street athletes. Subscribe to social networks for pages devoted to sports, try to find an idol that you want to imitate.
Increase the load gradually

Before the holidays, you could have a very tight training program, you could go to the gym three times a week, go to the practice of yoga twice and go to the pool on weekends. But after the holidays, the prospect of such a dense load will certainly frighten you. Begin to return to sports gradually, there will be enough a few workouts a week, so that you do not overload your relaxed body on vacation and do not repel the desire to train.
Let the workouts bring pleasure

You will not be able to constantly train by force, especially after a vacation and a complete lack of sports in your life. Make sure that the type of physical activity you choose is really to your liking. When you play the sport you like, you get a good mood in addition to a perfect figure and good health.

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