How to make slots correctly?

The right technique for performing slits, the best variations of the exercise for working the legs and buttocks. An example of multi-purpose training based on the slots of six effective exercises.

Slits are the best exercises for working the legs and buttocks, slits are very popular, because they are suitable for inclusion in any workout. The slot is a simple move, but they will only benefit if it is technically correct. If you do not like squats but want to give your buttocks a beautiful shape, use the slots as an alternative to squats. The exercise works on the inside and back of the thigh, with the roundness of the buttocks faster than with the classic squat.

How to make a slot

From the outside, the slot looks simple – it walked and squatted, but it’s not really the case. Incorrect technique for performing slits can cause injury. Make slots in front of the mirror to control the position of your body. Breathing during exercise should be calm and measured.
Correct Position

Wrong position of the hips spoils the technique of exercise, causes unpleasant sensations and prevents the muscles from developing under the influence of slits. Before bending the exposed leg forward and sitting down, you need to make sure that his foot is well adjusted to the floor. In the slotted position, the thigh of the leg exposed forward should be parallel to the floor, and the second leg should be pulled back, the leg under the knee is a direct extension of the thigh.

Shoulders and ears should be located at the same height from the floor, which ensures the correct position of the head when slits. The knee of the leg pulled forward should be located strictly above the center of the foot of this leg, if you take the position correctly, the angle in the knee joint will become straight. You can not start performing slits with weight until you are completely sure of the ideal technique for performing the exercise. After working out the exercise with the weight of your own body and checking yourself in the reflection in the mirror, you can add a load, for slits, a medicine ball, dumbbells or barbell are suitable.

For many beginners in the Hall, performing slits is difficult due to the lack of flexibility of the knee or thigh muscles. With an incorrect distribution of the load, the knee joints will be very easy to injure. For the safety of performing slots before training, a joint warm-up must be present, you need to learn how to make slots in the Smith simulator. The Smith machine will teach how to make slots efficiently and safely, the free space is calculated in such a way that the leg pulled forward when bending will always form a right angle.

Inhale and move forward simultaneously with your right foot, the body remains straight, the weight of the body is divided between the two legs.
Bend the right leg in the knee, transferring a little more weight on it.
Bend the leg until its hip is parallel to the floor, the left knee almost touching the floor.
Control your position in the mirror, in the knees and between the quadriceps and the trunk should form a right angle.
The ascent to the starting position is carried out with the heel of the right foot, the left foot in the process is not involved, the body will not bend.
The return is due to the effort of the buttock and the back surface of the thigh, bend the right leg and push it back to return to the starting position. This is the perfect slot, faithful on the technical side.

Mistakes of beginners when running slots

Wrong knee position is the most common mistake, the knee joint when slits is not protected, so it can be damaged by improper technique.
The knee of the working leg moves from right to left, it must freeze and not make swinging movements.
The knee of the working leg goes to the level of the sock, this point is important to control in the mirror, you can also ask someone to observe you from the outside.
Touch the knee from the floor, fall on the knee of the leg that remains behind. This gives a painful sensation and threatens injury.
Bending of the back, the spine should not be rounded, the shoulder blades are constantly together to avoid this. The abdomen and chest do not touch and do not rest on the leg that is in front.
Include in the work the leg that is at the back. The hind leg should not help when performing the slit, the movement to the back is carried out due to the effort of the hip and buttocks of the front leg, it begins with the heel.

Another mistake is that the slots are not deep enough. The depth of the slit depends on its variety, the lower the slit – the greater the load on the muscles, but the load on the joints will also become higher. Often, beginners take a step too big at the beginning of the exercise, the leg being exposed too far, which prevents making a low slit. It is important to make not only straight, but also inverted slots, they give an idea of the correct technique and depth of the slot.
Slot-based training
Slots with weighting

The starting position is standing, legs together, hands on a dumbbell weighing 1-3 kg, hands lowered along the trunk, eyes turned forward. Perform a classic slot without changing the position of the hands, 2-4 approaches of 10-12 slots per leg will be enough for training.
Slots on the sides

The starting position is standing, legs together, arms with dumbbells bent at the elbows or without dumbbells at the waist, look in front of you. Walk with your right foot to the right and bend it at the knee, due to the efforts of the muscles of the buttocks, get up and return to the starting position. Perform 2-4 sets of 10-12 slots on the right and left.
Slots with knee elevation and weight

Stand in the starting position-legs together, look forward, back straight, hands on a dumbbell weighing 1-3 kg or a pancake weighing 2-5 kg.Make a classic slot, then return to the starting position and lift the leg that performed the slot. Do 2-4 sets per leg of 10-12 repetitions.
Slots in the jump

Stand straight, place your legs together, place your hands at the waist, look in front of you, make a classic slit, borrow a jump. Perform 2-4 sets or 10-12 slits-jumps on each leg.
Slot and twist

Stand up straight, put your feet together, take a fitness ball or fitness ball in your hands. Make a classic slit, at the lowest point of the exercise, turn the body to the side, if the right leg is in front, the rotation is made to the right, if the left leg is to the left. The ball must be in front of you in outstretched arms. Return the case to the straight position and lift it to its original position. On each side, do 10-12 repetitions in 2-4 approaches.
Slots with dumbbells

Beginners are not recommended to perform this exercise, so we recommend that you make sure that you know how to handle the bar. Take the bar in your hands, lift it up and fix it in this position, make classic slits. For training, it will be enough to do on each leg 2 sets of 5-8 repetitions.

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